Lo siento on not updating. Life has been dragging, lagging, and gagging. Bleah.
Dragging because it's lost the sparkle it once held. I used to look forward to things each day. Now what do I look forward to? Going to a place where I must talk to complete strangers, most of whom brush me off with cold and unfeeling remarks. And I'm expected to smile. Which I do. I do my job well. But it's hard on my shy side. So yeah, I go to work and it's very scary. But I do it well and it pays well and my co-workers are always pleasant. :)
Lagging because I get nothing done I have intended to get done. Grarg. I meant to start my RSOM submission this summer, hoping to finish it before school. But work is so tiring and depressing that I haven't the energy nor heart to do any worth while pieces. Well, not true. I did start a painting, which I am amazingly proud of. But, as I said, I'm really quite tired and it's hard to have the strength to pour my whole self into. Which I must do for a piece to turn out right. I only get to work on it on the weekends, and only weekends I do not work. Which will not be
this weekend.
Gagging because things have become interesting when involving my love life. A guy from church asked me out, we went out and I decided he's a dandy friend but I'm not interested in
dating him. So, no more dates with buddy boy. There's another guy who I am pretty sure likes me, but I am under the strong impression he's waiting for
me to make the move. Which I don't do. I am not a mover. Nope. I'm too shy to move. If a guy wants me, he's gotta get up and come. I don't hold grudges, or bite (unless I become frightened of you), and rarely say no to a guy. Unless you give me the heebie geebies. But only 2 guys give me those. So even though guys seem to have discovered I am, in fact, a girl and I do, in fact, have some attractive qualities, I can only think of two guys I would be willing to go out with more than once and neither of them are interested in me.
BUT that does not mean I will turn down other guys. I'm not shallow like that.
Now the update has been stated. On to today!
I worked. Worked. Worked. And slept. There was some food involved, and phone calls. But mostly working and sleeping.
I got up at the beginning of traffic and left at thirty minutes to the end of traffic, got to work when traffic ended, read until 2.5 hours before lunch, and worked until traffic began again.
I managed to make my highest UPT (units per transaction) a 5, which was the highest when I left work, so I might get the 10 dollar discount tomorrow. Which is good because I'm buying a pair of shoes. The last pair of
Trista, which so happen to be in my size. They're very pretty black strappy shoes that I can wear to church. Perfect, because all my other church shoes are winter shoes. Summer shoes! Yay! And they're so comfy and nice. Black leather. Hot sthtuff. Oh, and they're 50% off. *hee hee* Not so expensive now, eh Pacha? I hope I get the ten dollars off so they only cost me a very little amount.
I must must MUST sleep. I have to go to Haley's tomorrow, the bank, and then to work. Again. All day. I'm closing tomorrow. Mee hee....