Scary stuff.
While out in Stevens Creek Canyon yesterday, helping my friend with a movie she had to film, one of the other actors started complaining about his arm feeling numb. And then he started shaking. No one else knew what to do, but I remembered some stuff out of my first-aid training in Young Women's. So we got him onto the trail and had him lay down and propped his legs up. He started to get really out of it, so I asked him questions for about 15 minutes. I made him drink water and splashed some on his arms and face. I'd sent a girl to run down the trail until she had a signal on her phone and then to call 9-1-1, and I guess she found a hiker on the way too because he came running up and helped me. The paramedics came, at last, and they helped him. By the time they arrived, he was pretty awake. But he couldn't really talk much.
But, he's okay now. It's all good. It was just really stressfull.