I damaged myself. Again. *vent anger here*
I somehow hurt my legs. Two separate incidents, if you can believe it. On Monday, I wore my fancified new shoes to school. Super cute, life was special. But I carved a thick line of blister into the heel of each foot. Huzzah. So, I am off those shoes until the blisters heal. But, the same day, I did so much walking, my thighs have seized up. They're sore and taught and weak now. And I did something to my knee, too, as a result. I can't walk normal and it keeps giving out. I wore a knee brace today, but it didn't really help. Anyway...
Bad times behind, good times ahead.
Tuesday evening I drove up to Palo Alto and a bunch of us surprised James at work for his birthday. He made his "you're all weird" faces and rolled his eyes, but he totally loved it. We brought him cake and balloons. Both are entirely irresistible. And we all met up at Brian's, and while everyone else watched the debates, James and Tanya and I played Gin. I won.
I had a math exam on Tuesday. I studied really hard and it paid off--I got a 91%!! Yee! I had an Anthropology midterm today, so we'll see how I did next week.
Have some stuff to do this weekend for school. I should get it done soon. I'm taking Brock to the airport tomorrow. He's meeting Laura and my Mom in Arizona.
Time to ice my knee before bed.