Yeah yeah, I know. I always have something to complain about. Well, that's because I write when I'm upset. Write or sleep. Whichever is easier to come by. And right now, it'd be writing.
On tuesday in math, I noticed he circled an assignment of mine because part of it was missing. I knew I had done it and couldn't understand where it had gone! This evening... as I prepared to put together my chapter reviews, I noticed that the assignment had been there all alone! It had been on the last page and just seemed to blend right it! I'm furious! I can't show it to him because he won't buy it. He'll think I did it yesterday and I won't get credit-- I'll get chewed out. And because of my stupidity, the chater 4 review was stuck in with another assignment and is covered with work from that assignment. So I tried to redo the first page to clean it up a bit, but now there's so much empty space. He's going to hate me and I'm going to fail. *misery*
And I got yelled at today a lot. By everyone. Talk about horrible! Today. Just bad! Bad day! Gr!
I accidentally slept through art today. Super... I needed the studio time.
Stu yelled at me because I said "Well, they call them my keys so they sort of are" and said I was being snappy. I know when I'm being snappy and I was making extra efforts not to be snappy because Stu thinks I'm always snapping. And I left really upset because of this and left my english printouts at home.
T_T I felt embarassed too because Kris didn't think I truly believe that only one guy likes me (and I'd rather eat hot forks than date
him) and we sort of had an argument about that. I hate that subject.
English was rather pleasant because I sat next to a very nice guy who laughed with me and patted my back when I misspelled repetitive (repetive). He had very warm hands and a nice smile. Too bad the other guy next to me was extremely stinky and sweaty and was over-flowing onto my part of the desk... *shudder*
And I got home and the door was locked. Apparently, stu didn't lock it and because I sent him a message that read "Please stop locking the door..." (because we have had this discussion before) he yelled at me for yelling him. Which I didn' yell. I really tried not to. It's hard though when he calls me in a huff and rants at me about rude text messages.. I can't do anything right.
And I didn't do the dishes while mom and dad were gone. I wish I'd had the time. I was going to do some before I left for school but I sort of... slept through my alarm and such. And I wanted to ask Stu if he'd do them while I was gone since he spends the whole day at home reading and watching TV and ninja footage. But I forgot. Because we quarrelled. Again. *sigh* But the dishes did not get done and when I got home I hurt my foot on the door again (remember?) so I calmed down and then everybody got home and Mom and I went to mutual.
I wanted to bring my math to work on since I had so much of it to do, so I grabbed my back pack but forgot to put my math in it. So I didn't get anything accomplished there. I even embarrassed myself in front of the girls. *sigh* We didn't get home until 9:30 and I went to do my math and my tired day sank it and I fell asleep as my family watch American Idol and Bones. Less time to do math, right there.
When I got up I saw I had mail, so I checked it. As I checked, us kids got chastized for not doing the dishes which none of us had time to do. I eat two meals here a day and tend to rinse my bowls and such and I was trying to explain that (Gordo explained his eating habits, so I wanted to explain mine too) and Dad didn't want us to explain (can't blame him, it's rather silly) but he snapped at me and I felt hurt.
So I went upstairs. I'm not used to my arms and their newfound strength from weight lifting. I was also trying not to cry. And there was a spider. So my door sort of slammed. And I got grounded. For going upstairs and slamming my door. That's called "huffing." I feel like a horrible kid. I didn't do the dishes for my mom as I should have, I huffed, and I snap at my family.
I hate being gone, but it's better than being here because when I'm here I'm just horrible to my family and then I argue with Stu, get grounded by Dad, and Mom feels like I hate her. *sigh* It could be worse.
But today had good points too. I did start The Convienient Marriage, sat next to the nice guy (Joe), my iPod
didn't die today, and I wrote some music for a song.
My day could have been horrendous. But it just turned out unpleasant. Yay for simple things!