So, last night I uploaded the pictures from my camera and discovered pictures from a trip to the beach! And so, I shall put them here. How very friendly of me!

Behold! Jared has lazer telepathy! See? He can shoot a lazer from his forehead! Beeew!

See the fire? It's nice. Very warm. But see that red thing? That'd be Jared's telo-lazer.

But why did he lazer me?! I burn!

Jared surveys his destructive power.

Amy has the lighter spray near her. About two seconds before Jared lazered me, she sprayed me with that. Horrible!

You see? They had it all planned! Take pictures of Alli as she burns!

That's me, after the pictures and such. This is when they started feeling bad. Yeah, took forever!

But it was too late! Alas!

Poor me... I'm going out...

But I'm like a Pheonix! I burn and then get reborn into something better! LIKE A PIRATE!
(No Alli's were harmed in the making of these photos, and though Pirates were involved, no one was plundered or pillaged. On film)
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