Because I finished my paper. And the surf board. AND got sleep. That's right. I finished painting the surfboard and it looks great. There was so lacquer complications--mainly, the lacquer would not come out and I had to be rather forceful with it... heh--but they cleared up and I got a good solid layer or two on. It's currently drying in the garage.
Wings: A Surfboard by ~abthomas on deviantART
The paper was a little awkward at first. I was very tired and really did not want to write it. Not at all. I put it off far too late and started it completely wrong. I got very tired and decided to sleep for an hour, or two. Woke up came downstairs, reread the assignment and fixed all the problems. Wrote it in an hour, because it was a fairly easy paper. Go team.
And now, since it is still pitch black outside and I can only see the dimmest shades of the sky through the trees. I can see the fern outside the window clearly, but it obscures what would be visible of the fence. So I will leave you with this:
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