Sunday, January 17, 2010

Super Size Me

I watched Super Size Me for the first time today. Probably not the best day to watch it, as I've been nauseated all day, but all the same... I watched it.

I'm happy to say I almost never eat McDonald's. The only McDonald's I do eat are their soft serves, and I have one of those every 6 months or so. Nom.

But I don't eat well. I don't eat veggies or fruits very often, mostly because I have some stomach problems that limit which F&V I can eat, so I tend to steer clear all together. But I should make an effort. Maybe I can't eat tomatoes, but I can eat all the other veggies. Maybe I can't eat citrus, but I can eat the other fruit. I'm that lazy, huh?

And since I started going to SJSU, I've started eating fast food more. They have a Burger King right by my classes. I succumb frequently, if I have money on hand (which is rare, actually).

Anyway, I am going to make a new goal. For the next 30 days I will not eat any fast food. The only places I will eat out at will be sit down restaurants, and my portions will be small. At home, I'm going to really push my family to keep fruits and veggies in stock. It's going to be hard for me, especially with my addiction to cake and chocolate muffins. But I can handle this.


kt said...

Good for you! I know you can do it! Let me know how it goes!

Jenn~ said...

What a great way to change....and ya, it is hard, especially for a sensitive stomach.

Alasdair said...

How's it going so far?