Saturday, December 08, 2007

Here comes finals again

I have a very sad headache today. Boo hoo.

Next week is finals week. It's a little scary to me. I only have 2 sit down finals, the other two are paper type things.

[ ] Prepare Anthropology notes
[ ] Prepare double sided piece of paper for Math
[ ] Finish speech
[ ] Rewrite Sociology Midterm
[ ] Write Sociology Final
[ ] Write Sociology paper

I have part of my anthro notes done, so I'll try to get those done tonight. I'll also try to finish my speech outline completely. I wish I could just get them all done tonight. But I can't. So, let's make a map of the coming week!

[ ] Anthro Final
[ ] Make sure math page is done
[ ] Make sure Speech is written

[ ] Make sure Socio midterm is rewritten
[ ] Write Socio final
[ ] Finish Socio outline
[ ] Math final (4pm)

[ ] Give speech (11:30am)
[ ] Make sure Socio final is done
[ ] Begin socio paper

[ ] Finish socio paper

[ ] Sociology Turn in (1:45pm)

The end!

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