Sunday, August 30, 2009

Too many spiders

At this moment, I wish I had my own apartment.

So I could put paintings and illustrations up on the walls, and fill shelves with all of my books. To stick my guitar in the corner, near a chair and a plant. A shelf for my glass blue birds of happiness, and a wooden box for my video games. Also, a small filing cabinet for my art, since the little file box is too small now.

In the corner I could set up my dual screen, keyboard, and tablet, next to my printer/scanner, and CD burner. There would be open space and I would not feel frustrated at the lack of room for anything.

So, anyway. We're watching Hudsucker Proxy downstairs, so I'll probably be going down soon. Or just drawing something to sell.

Oh, and "Owl City" is a fabulous band. Especially, "If my Heart was a House."

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