Thursday, June 26, 2008


I got to sleep in today. :3 I slept in really late. It was lovely. But, also a mistake, because I should have gone to the store. Alas...

My room mates and I are throwing a house warming party this weekend. It'll be very chill and laid back, but we need food. I am not excited to buy that food--it will be a lot of food. T_T

But I went to my neighbors house this evening for Jaren's surprise party! I went early to help Tim set up, and no one else showed up to help. I was shocked. So we made cake, and cleaned the house, and put food out. He watered some trees outside while I watered the plants inside. I later decorated the cakes as people came. The party was fun and there was dancing by the end of it, lots of fun music. I got to see Hannah and had SO much fun chattering with her about whatever and ever. Secret stuff. Y'know. Like. Whatever.

Afterwards, I helped clean up. I washed the dishes while Tim put food away and such. He got some of the chocolate cake on his shirt and was silly and refused to go change out of it into something else, so I had to clean it on him.

Anyway. I baby sit the bebe tomorrow, as usual. I am determined to get there on time. Goodness.

Did laundry today too.

To do:
Study for history final
Clean my room
Clean the house
Buy food, and party food
Weed the backyard
Buy a tree (?)

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