Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Yesterday was rough. Really rough. Jennifer's funeral was in the morning, I cried a lot. I have a permanent "crying headache" which is the pits. Didn't want to stay at home, so I found excuses to go out. Bought clothes, went to my sisters, went to FHE. If I was home, I was in bed.

But I got to vent and have a pleasant conversation just before bed, so that really cheered me up.

Never get enough sleep. But at least I can sleep, yeah? :) Sleep anytime.

Math class is canceled for today. Not for a good thing--my teacher's husband is sick. That is very sad. I feel badly for her. I hope he gets better.

Speaking of sick. I went to the ER on Sunday morning (early) because of sharp pain, which turned out to be an ovarian cist. How lovely for me. All in Tahoe, too. So no parents to be near me. But I had some friends who went with me and waited the entire time. 5 hours. How awesome of them.

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