Friday, March 07, 2008

Awesome Actions All Around

I could go on with the A thing. Totally.

This morning (or was it last night?) I decided to upload all my writings into google docs so if my computer should die, my stuff will not. And the only my docs will die is if the internet dies. And the only way the internet would die would be if the world blew up (let me believe this) and then it wouldn't matter anyway.

Also. Why must a person be so difficult when all I want to the institute directors number? What a bothersome sort of person he is. Not the director. The one with his number.

My mom is in surgery. I'm kind of paranoid. I want her to be better now and home and not at the hospital. I want to be pampering her now.

And, I had another rad dream. This one was about the future and bombs blowing up a huge oil thing and everything goes weird and Japan disappeared. Go figure. I shall write it down.

Must go to SJSU and be ranting and raving at counselors for confusing me. Collaboration with De Anza counselors, I swear. Determined to keep me at De Anza forever. And by forever I mean my children will be going there.


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