Saturday, September 23, 2006

And so...?

Been resting my neck up. As in, sleeping in. Reading. Watching things. I haven't been driving at all. And, my pain has been reduced to nothing. I don't hurt in the same way anymore. Now, if I sleep wrong, my neck hurts for a little while and I rub it and it goes away. If I sit in a particular angle too. But things have simmered down for me.

Anyway! I have still been studying for the SAT. But I read a very depressing book I don't ever plan on reading again. Nope. Haley came over last night too. She's home for two days because Trevor's back in from his mission. She's leaving on Sunday. I'm glad we got to hang out a bit. She gave me a pirate book and a CD. I gave her her gift from Brighton and the giant fuzzy mom got her. Yay!

Today will be good. I'm updating my iPod, then I'll shower. Clean my room. Write my talk. Study. Paint. All that good stuff.

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