Friday, September 15, 2006

I sat 3 days in the same ol' chair

What can I say? I write in spurts. I've spent the last few days of forever nursing my injured neck.

A few weeks ago, for FHE, we all went to the Boardwalk. As we stood in line for the last ride (Giant Dipper), I decided it would be a good idea to lean against the wall of the corridor and to put my feet up against the other wall. In essance, brace myself between the two walls and hold myself above the ground. But, I am not as long as that, and promptly fell. And hit the back part of my head on the hand rail. It's more like a decorative board, firmly attached and painted to match the wall. And it caused me pain. And, being my prideful little self, I laughed when it happened and spent the whole night pretending not to hurt, while silently developing the most massive head ache imaginable.

For the next few days, I had intense pain on the right side of my head and behind my right eye. That faded away shortly though and left me alone for a day or so. Possibly more. For some reason, I am inclined to say I felt nothing but head aches for a week. And then I got all the horrible neck pain. The neck pain got worse and worse. It went into my head as well, so I did not find enjoyment in bending forward. And then it fingered down into my back. And so, before 3 days had passed (from the beginning of said neck pain) I was unable to move my upper torso without wanting to cry. Which I did from time to time from frustration and annoyance and pain. Frusnoyain (frush-noy-ane).

We did finally go to the doctor, on Monday, who told me to take the next 2 weeks off and if the pain did not subside after 3 weeks, to come back. So I had to find people to take my shifts for my last week of work. Alas, I had to go into work that day and (you guessed it!) work. And by the end of monday, I only had someone to cover for me on wednesday, and I had asked everyone! So I called Carrie, who was not in on Monday, and left her a message about my problem and begged her for help. But she didn't call me back until the next morning, Tuesday. We decided I could get thursday off, and she managed to convince a girl to stay until 6 for that day. But I still had to come in at 6 and help Anna close. I did that ungrudgingly and we had a smashing time talking and cleaning the store. I bought myself my favorite pieces of jewelry (1, 2 and 3), and thus ended my career at Brighton. Probably.

And so, I have spent the past three days lying in my Father's big leather recliner chair, watching TV and movies, because only in his chair did I find a place to rest my head that actually did not hurt. I couldn't sleep in my bed, for it only hurt my neck even moreso. So I had to sleep in the chair. Essentially, I spent 3 days in the same ol' chair. And I was lonely and depressed. Serious depression went on there. I hated it.

But tonight, I get to sleep in my very own bed because my neck pain has gone down drastically from nursing it so fervently. And taking my pain meds when required. Go me! I watched Emma, and Pride & Prejudice. It only gives me more incentive to study!

Tomorrow, I shall study heavily for the SAT, write, and sleep. A good friday it shall be.

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