Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I got hit with a ninja star cause I'm a NINJA!

I don't care what any of you say, I'm unhappy! I have every right to be unhappy too! My knee not only hurts, but it's getting worse! It now hurts even when I'm not using it or moving it or anything! It's the most retarded piece of flesh I have on me right now! I hate it! My knee hurts, my toes hurt, my jaw hurts. I'm not happy and I don't care who knows it. *grump*

Well... I wish I could say that made me feel better. But it didn't. My knee still hurts like crazy and I'm still hungry as a bear. I want to go upstairs but it's so hard to walk around without a lot of pain, I have taken to... not walking around.

Tomorrow is weight lifting again, but I really doubt I'll get much out of it. At all. Like, really at all. Even less than tuesday. Yeah. Super.

Today wasn't too shabby if you ignore the leg stuff. By the time I got to school, my leg hurt so badly I could barely hobble to the church. So I crashed on the couch, curled up under the blanket and sulked for an hour. But my friends have a knack for cheering me up by being unbearably pleasant and hilarious and shrugging off my sulks. My knee did start to feel better so I allowed myself to salsa with Derk for a bit. Which wasn't such a grand idea. My knee did hurt considerably after that.

Oh, because this was the coolest thing I heard all day, I shall tell you. I was laying on the couch when Derk arrived today and the first thing out his mouth is, "I hope I get a scar!" Well, needless to say, I am super confused and must ask what scar. Hence I discovered that last night, our favorite Derk was hit/stabbed in the thigh by a ninja star. A NINJA STAR! The coolest way ever to be wounded! He wants it to scar so he can tell about the scar. I wish I had a ninja star. Derk gets one. I want one too. He is now, though, The Delicious Master Ninja Derk. Oh, he'll like that.

I want the beef stew to be done so I can eat it. And then go take a bath. *misery*

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