Monday, June 19, 2006

Pain is like a fly

So, my dad says I have a low pain threshold. And he may be right, I may indeed have a low one. But I don't tell them about half the pain I go through.

There's always something hurting, but I deal with it on my own because it usually goes away after a day or so. Whenever it doesn't I bring it to my parents. I follow their advice and then it usually goes away. But while I hurt, I can go through periods of time where I ignore the pain because I find positions or ways of walking that keep the pain away or at a minimum. Unless it's in my mouth, but I try to ignore that.

But when it doesn't go away I get frustrated. Think of it as a fly that you keep smashing and you think it's gone, but it just shows up again when you least expect it. And it's biggar than it was the day before. And louder. And more in your face. And it just gets harder to ignore. And you get so annoyed with it, you want to drop everything to kill the darn thing! But you can't! It just won't die! Stupid fly of pain! Just die already and let me get on with my life! It keeps me from sleeping very long, it wakes me up. I work really hard to focus on things and the pain just gets more intense until I can barely keep from screaming from the pain. Like has happened 3 or 4 times this weekend.

Anyway.... I have class soon.

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