Monday, May 29, 2006

Sweet! I came in 3rd!

All right, all right. I know. I am truly losing my blogging touch. I used to be able to update 4 times a day, for years on end. It was shocking how good I was. Then one day... I graduated. And people were seeking my attention rather than me seeking theirs. I am still growing used to this, even after almost a year of it.

Rawk! Let the update begin! *fwah*

Sunday was super. I got up, went to church, enjoyed church to no end, discovered Derek was indeed still out of town, planned (with the help of the ever useful Leighann) a pleasant FHE, made fliers for said FHE, distrubuted said fliers about said FHE (I'm enjoying the used of "said" here), handed my sketch book over to a 7-year-old for close inspection, ate a ton of chocolate things, called someone in Idaho, scribbled down directions to hook up a mixer to a sound system and projector, and felt tired. A lot. Heck, I feel tired just having written that because it makes me sound busy. Wug.

After I got home from church (yes, that all happened during church between 1 and 4 pm) Hiro came over and home taught me. A good home teacher, that Hiro. And Laura and Brock came over and ate our soup with me and we told hilarious stories about my beloved grand parents and pistachio chocolate chip ice cream (aka, Mint chocolate chip). Other things happened too that have slipped from my mind in a ninja like manner.

Today (proceeds to alter time on entry to make it Monday - what time it truly is, you shall never ever know) I got up thinking I had a reason to. I made a few phone calls and got dressed because I was promised shoes if I did. I proceeded to watch What not to wear with my ever hilarious father and brothers. Then we went to Nordstrom Rack and I was lovingly given two pair of shoes and a big soft blanket (let it forever be known as The best blanket ever). I enjoy my shoes and will wear them now as often as time permits. Diesel makes good shoes, fyi. Fyi. Fyi. I hate that phrase but am too lazy to delete back and edit in the full phrase. I'm lazy like that. That makes me cool.

After all that shopping goodness, I went to Trina's for FHE. Well, more like I went to Safeway for oreos to bring to FHE. My mom had me throw our watermelon rinds away before hand. I was whistled at by an obnoxious person in an ugly rusted Chevrolette, and the guy at the check out stared at me... I was fully confused. It must be the shoes. They are pretty sexy...

FHE!! We met at Trina's (a most excellent Relief Society President) and enjoyed chocolate confections and The Pirates of the Caribbean. And my blanket. We did enjoy that. Although, I did lose in Mario Cart. Everytime I play, no matter who I play as (this time I was Yoshi), I come in 4th and have horrednous steering. Except that one time I came in 3rd. Such pride I felt.

Now I am home. And tired. And my room is clean because I succumbed to my ever complusive ways and put my clothes away. Thus it became known that I have a floor. A floor commonly labeled as "tan." A floor which last night I saw had a fat spider of gross evility on (which I promptly squished repeatedly with my flippity flop). I also had a small spider on my ceiling. I killed that too. It left a mess though. A leg or two fell onto the top bunk. I felt sick. Bleah. Spiders are so not cool.

I have things to do, a bed to sleep in, and a class to attend tomorrow. Which is actually today, but I trick you with my skillful time changing ability. I am amazing like that.

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